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Effects of Viktor Philippi’s Bioenergetic Meditation on Anxiety, Burnout, and Depression

Autorenbild: Maggie PetersonMaggie Peterson

An Analysis of Four Feasibility Studies Complementary Medicine Research

Anxiety, burnout, and depression cause a substantial psychological and social burden. Bioenergetic meditation (BM) was developed by Viktor Philippi as a method to strengthen psychological and physical health. This work presents the results of four feasibility studies investigating its effects supporting people suffering from these psychological disorders.

Interested in taking part in the actual decentral study about depression, burnout and exhaustion? Contact me!


Maggie Peterson

Auftanken. Loslassen. Ankommen.

+49 177 6514353

Bautzener Platz 2   10829 Berlin

Fülle dein Leben stets mit Freude.

Lerne, dir Freude zu geben und schenke sie weiter.

Dann hast du doppelte Freude. 

Viktor Philippi





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